Friday, February 22, 2008

sledding down stairs

Have you every seen a kid sled down a flight of stairs, in a movie and wonder to your self "does that really work?" well I'm here to inform you that it does!!! today, after Cayla and I got done with school we went outside and sought out any crazy thing we could do. Since the entire world was frozen, it didn't take us long to find some fun. we first started off skating on our drive way, then we progressed to sledding. I was the first one down the hill, and i couldn't stop until I hit a small stump that was covered with snow and leafs. That propelled me forward off the sled. That stump but a hole in the bottom of the sled and but a bruise on my butt.

After that we decided going strait down the hill wasn't such a good idea, since we couldn't stop unless we hit a tree, stump or other foreign object in the woods. I had a brilliant idea that we could sled/ski across the yard going perpendicular to the hill. Cayla ran and go 2 wooded spindles, that we used for poles, and we preceded to scoot ourselves across the yard. that was quite fun. But we needed something more dangerous.....mmuuhahahah.

As I was scheming I spied the pool deck stairs, and they were completely frozen!!! So I took our beaten up sled and went to the top of the stars. Which was quite a workout. then I set down and plunged down the stairs, and I worked!!! and I didn't even get hurt!. after that we decided to upgrade and use on of the wooden spindles like a kayak oar. It was sooo AWESOME! we were like bobsledding with an oar. so much fun! We video taped everything so if I ever get it loaded on my computer I'll be sure to put it up. the end!


Jennifer said...

As I saw your title, it reminded me of the most hilarious thing I have ever seen in my life! (I am not kidding either- it was the funniest thing I've ever seen!) Not too long ago Chad "sledded" down our stairs. The only difference between him and you & Kayla was that his trip definitely wasn't planned and his trip didn't involve a sled. He basically fell down the full flight of steps inside our house HEAD-FIRST ON HIS BELLY! I still laugh out loud when I re-live in my mind what I saw! Ask him about it- he'll tell you, right after he strangles me when he finds out I posted this comment! :)

Amy said...

Hey Brit,
that sounds like a ton of fun! You and your sister really get into a bunch of crazy fun things...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blast, except for the sore butt part!