Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ridding with the camera

A couple of days ago Cayla and I went riding. I decide to take the camera with us. We had such a good time, it was a little chilly, but still bearable. after we got back I told her we needed to take some pictures of us. So we did.This is Guy, for you that didn't read a previous post, I ride him most the time. He is a little bit on the ornery side.
Cayla on Bruno. He is a sweet pea!

After we got back I had to feed the horses. As I was scooping the feed I just had to stop and smell the feed. I LOVE the smell of feed, I wish they would make an air freshener of that and the smell of horse!

the pictures started getting a little weird.......

and weirder.......
But, boy did we have a good time. I'm so happy that we are getting along so much better. Are relationship has become so much stronger.
If any of you all knew us a few years back, all we did was fight. We just about hated each other. I thought her and I would never get along. My mom always would say that her and her sister got along great, and that we would be sister forever. She just went on, and seemed. It felt like Cayla and I had nothing in common, and we were totally opposites, which we kinda But I felt there was no hope.

After mom started working down south for a long period of time(that topic is for another time), Cayla and I really started to bond. Especially since she has gotten older. It all started when I began to take her to voice lessons. After voice we would go to the coffee shop, get our drinks and sit and play cards with a friend who worked there. We had such a good time! When we left, on the way home we would turn up the music and sing all the way home. About this time we actually start having serious conversation. Our relationship has just caught fire since then. I like to think she looks up to me as role model for her. And I try to be the best one I can be. :)

I'm not by any means saying our relationship is perfect! we still get into fights and have scuffles ;) But we love each other very much.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Phantom of the Opera

On January 17 Cayla, Andrea, Angelique, and I went to see the Phantom of the Opera. It was so so so so so good!!! I would encourage anyone who is thinking about seeing to go. It was totally worth it.
I am so blown away by the actors, their voices and all the amazing props they use.
It was almost exactly like the movie, or as close as you could come. I was very pleased, and am ready to go see another play.......and it would be great if it could be as good as this one :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

cleaning the chicken coop......supposably

I figure Jeremy would appreciate this post, your not the only one who has ADD. :)
A couple days ago Cayla and I were cleaning the chicken coop. It hadn't been clean in awhile so I figure we should get it done before it got snowy again. So we started and got about half done, then I said I needed to go get another pair of socks on(my toes were numb). As I got my socks on I saw a bag of pistachios. I figured we could take a brake and have a snack. I go back outside and Cayla and I start eating the nuts. Then we start seeing who could crack the nut inside our mouths and eat the nut the fastest.....then that lead to who could spit the shell the farthest, and that kinda led to spitting them at each other( sorry if that grosses anyone out) :D So anyway I decided to get the camera and take some pics for my blog. Since I said I would start blogging about what everyday things go on. And so, Cayla took a picture of me spitting a pistachio shell, and she captured it right as its coming out of my mouth! LOL we laughed over it forever! It was sooooo funny!
And here it is!!! it's actually a hideous pic of me, but I thought it was funny. the thing on my forehead is the pistachio shell coming out of my mouth! lol Finally we got back on track and got the coop all nice and clean, with fresh straw. So that is some other crazy kinda stuff that goes on in my life :)

Friday, January 11, 2008

My new talent, hair coloring!

So the other day I went over to Rachel Manias's house to color her hair. I was a bit nervous doing it because I had never colored hair before. I kinda dreaded the thought of her hair turning a unnatural red or pink....but I'm always up to trying something new. So I snapped the gloves on and started squeezing out this glue type substance, called dye, all over her hair. The dye smelled nasty, for one thing and it left brown stains on your skin. So after I got all the goop on her hair, it kinda looked like she had wallered in the dirt, or at least her hair line did. Then she rinsed it and I put color sealer on her hair. She rinsed it again and BAM, it was complete! Rach went down stairs and dried her hair. The finished product looks lovely! I was quite proud of myself for not screwing it up. Then Rachel started talking about getting her hair cut. I told her I was multi talented......but she didn't trust me that much :D

and that concludes this post!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Freindly, Furry ,and Fun guinea pig, oh yeah, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Hello all and happy new year! to kick off 2008 I am going to blog about the newest addition to my family. His name is Riley, and he is a Abyssinian Guinea pig. He is like a little dog, its so funny. when he is sitting in my lap, I'll be petting him and he makes little squeaks. Its almost like a cat purring. He also has a Mohawk, running from his head down to his back. He is the cutest guinea pig in the world! And I'm very happy I decided to get him. I've never had a guinea pig before, so I was alittle skeptical before I got him. But I think he is tied with my first rat as being my favorite pet, so far. The only thing that was better about my rat is that she came when you called her name, and she was litter box trained. which I'm working on with Riley as of now.

And that concludes this post!